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The Minerva Center for

the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions

invites submissions for

the 3rd Young Researchers Workshop on Terrorism and Belligerency

University of Haifa

Haifa, Israel

February 3 - 17, 2019

The Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions (RLEC) at the University of Haifa, Faculty of Law and the Geography and Environmental Studies Department, invite submissions for participation in the third young researchers workshop on “Terrorism and Belligerency”. The workshop will be held at the Minerva Center, University of Haifa.

1. Subject-Matter of Workshop

Following the success of the first two workshops held in September 2016 (see here), and February 2018 (see here), the Minerva Center for RLEC is planning a third young researcher’s workshop in February 2019. Papers are welcomed on theoretical or practical legal issues related to terrorism and belligerency from varied perspectives, such as: history, philosophy, sociology, geography, technology, economics, and politics. A non-exhaustive list of possible subjects includes:

  • National law applicable to dealing with situations of high and low intensity belligerency (international and non-international armed conflicts).
  • International law applicable to dealing with situations of high and low intensity belligerency (international and non-international armed conflicts).
  • Law applicable to counter-terrorism efforts.
  • Constitutional design for armed conflicts and counter-terrorism.
  • Judicial review related to situations of counter-terrorism and belligerency.
  • Application of constitutional or international human rights protection in situations of armed conflict and counter-terrorism.
  • Legal aspects of economic and sociological developments in counter-terrorism situations.
  • Geographical scope of application to counter-terrorism and belligerency legal regimes.
  • Legal aspects of the use of advance technologies in the battlefield or for counter-terrorism purposes.
  • Application of “Just War” doctrine in situations of armed conflict and counter-terrorism.

 2. Purpose of Workshop

The purpose of this workshop is to convene a group of scholars for a high-level discussion on enduring and emerging questions on law and policy related to terrorism / belligerency. This workshop will offer participants a balanced combination of rigorous scholarly discussion and more relaxed social interaction.

3. Structure of Workshop

This workshop will feature twelve papers selected through this call. The expected formation will include twelve both from Israel and abroad. The workshop will be held over a 2 weeks period; participants from abroad will be offered residency in the university dormitories.

Workshop Sessions: The participants will convene 2-3 time a week for full day sessions of presentations and discussions. During each session, selected participants will present their papers to the workshop group (apx. 20-30 minutes). Senior researchers and practitioners will be invited to the sessions to provide feedback, as well as a weekly keynote presentation. Following each presentation there will be an open discussion among the workshop participants.

Field trip: The participants will be invited for field trips which include, inter alia, planned visits to relevant locations and institutions (such as the Israeli Supreme Court, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ofer Military Court, and the security wall) where they will meet with experts and practitioners dealing with issues related to terrorism and belligerency.

4. Respondents and Guest speakers

Each young researcher admitted to the workshop will be paired with a senior respondent. The respondent will provide the young researcher a thorough and productive feedback following the presentation of the paper. The organizing committee is putting a lot of efforts in finding the most suitable respondents to the specific presentations.

5. Eligibility

Submissions are invited from young researchers, namely PhD candidates, Post-Doctoral fellows, and scholars up to 5 years since the completion of their PhD.

6. Submission Instructions

Interested scholars should email an abstract of up to 500 words along with current CV by November 18, 2018 to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Researchers asking for support for travel expenses (see article 8 for details) should also submit a letter of request.

Abstracts should reflect papers that have not been published. Researchers should identify their submission with the following subject line: “Minerva Center— Terrorism and Belligerency Workshop 2019.”

7. Notification and Participation Requirements

Successful applicants will be selected by a Symposium Organizing Committee and notified no later than December 10, 2018.

8. Conditions

An invitation to participate in this Symposium will be issued to a participant on the following conditions:

(1) The participant agrees to submit an original, unpublished paper between 8,000 words and 12,000 words consistent with submission guidelines issued by the workshop conveners;

(2) The participant agrees to submit a full pre-workshop draft by January 13, 2019;

(3) The participant agrees to submit a full post-symposium final draft by September 1, 2019; and

(4) The participant agrees to acknowledge in future publication of his or her relevant paper, "the Minerva Center for RLEC at the Faculty of Law and the Geography and Environmental Studies Department, the University of Haifa".

9. Costs

There is no cost to participate in the Workshop. Successful applicants are responsible for securing their own funding for travel and other incidental expenses, in accordance with the following information:

Travel: In order to enable submissions from young researchers coming from developing countries, distant locations or in unique circumstances, the Minerva Center will provide partial assistance to cover travel expenses. A request letter should be included in the submission.

Accommodation: Researchers from outside of Israel are expected to stay in Haifa during the workshop. The cost of accommodations at the dormitories for this period will be covered by the Minerva Center. Researchers who choose to extend their stay or to arrange for their own accommodations will be required to secure their own funding.

Food: Light refreshments, lunch and dinner will be available at the Minerva Center throughout the workshop sessions dates.

10. Streaming

In accordance with the ongoing practice of the Minerva RLEC, all of the young researchers workshop sessions will be live streamed and recorded online. We believe that almost any academic event should be live streamed and recorded, however this is not a mandatory requirement and every speaker can chose to opt-out from this option for his or her own presentation. For previous recordings please visit the Minerva RLEC YouTube page.

11. Questions

Please direct inquiries in connection with this Workshop to Adv. Ido Rosenzweig by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone at +972-(0)-525516596. Please circulate this Call widely.

12. Workshop Organizing Committee

  • Prof. Eli M. Salzberger, The Director of the Minerva Center RLEC
  • Prof. Gad Barzilai, Vice Provost of the University of Haifa and Principal Investigator, Minerva Center RLEC
  • Prof. Amnon Reichman, Principal Investigator, Minerva Center RLEC
  • Prof. Deborah Shmueli, Principal Investigator, Minerva Center RLEC
  • Dr. Itamar Mann, Principal Investigator, Minerva Center RLEC
  • Dr. Michal Ben Gal, Research coordinator, Minerva Center for RLEC
  • Adv. Ido Rosenzweig, Director of Research (Cyber, Terrorism & Belligerency) Minerva Center RLEC

13. About The Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions


The Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions at the University of Haifa Faculty of Law and the Geography and Environmental Studies Department, is an international venue and transnational forum - together with the University of Hamburg, for study, research, training, education and publication.  It fosters multifaceted empirical and theoretical research in the study of the rule of law as a social sphere during belligerencies, natural disasters and socio-economic acute crises. Challenges to the rule of law under extreme conditions may vary under different constitutional and political regimes. The Center concentrates on democracies. The analyses examine institutional, cultural, socioeconomic and policy dimensions. Its mission includes encouraging scholars, young scientists, and students to develop data and cultivate an interactive dialogue for research and training around these issues. The Center fosters dialogue with students, scholars, experts, policy and decision makers through symposia, colloquia, seminars, conferences and a series of publications based on its research and findings. For more, please visit: