List of Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
- Unamendability and The Genetic Code of The Constitution, European Review of Public Law (forthcoming 2015).
- The Eternal Territory? On Ukraine’s Unamendable Provision and Territorial Integrity, 16(3) German Law Journal 542-580 (2015) (with Silvia Suteu).
- ‘A Bird is Known by its Feathers’ – On The Importance and Complexities of Definitions in Legislation, 2(2) The Theory and Practice of Legislation (former Legisprudence) 145-169 (2014).
- Legisprudence Limitations on Constitutional Amendments? Reflections on the Czech Constitutional Court’s Declaration of Unconstitutional Constitutional Act, 8(1) Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law 29-57 (2014).
- Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments – The Migration and Success of a Constitutional Idea, 61(3) American Journal of Comparative Law 657-719 (2013).
- The Theory and Practice of ‘Supra-Constitutional’ Limits on Constitutional Amendments, 62(3) International & Comparative Law Quarterly (ICLQ) 557-597 (2013).
- An Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendment - The Turkish Perspective: A Comment on the Turkish Constitutional Court’s Headscarf Decision, 10(1) International Journal of Constitutional Law (I-Con) 175-207 (2012) (with Serkan Yolcu).
Law review Articles:
- The Insecurity of Human Security, 32(1) Wisconsin International Law Journal 95-141 (2014).
- The United Nations Human Rights Council and Israel: ‘Sour Old Wine in a New Bottle’?, 5 Human Rights & Globalization Law Review 25-55 (2013-2014) (with Ido Tzang).
- Revolutionary Lawyering? On Lawyers’ Social Responsibility and Roles during a Democratic Revolution, 22(2) Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 353-384 (2013).
- Human Shields in Modern Armed Conflicts: The Need for a Proportionate Proportionality, 22(1) Stanford Law & Policy Review 93-127 (2011) (with Amnon Rubinstein).
- Let the Caroline Sink! Assessing the Legality of a Possible Israeli Attack on Iranian Nuclear Facilities and Why the Traditional Self-Defense Formula Is Incompatible with the Nuclear Age, 18(2) The California International Law Journal 18-34 (2010).
Chapters in Books:
- The Migration of the Indian Basic Structure Doctrine, in Judicial Activism in India - A Festschrift in Honour of Justice V. R. KrishnaIyer 240-262 (Malik Lokendra ed., Universal Law Publishing Co., 2012).
Book reviews and shorter articles
- Amending ‘Unamendable’ Provisions, Constitution-Making & Constitutional Change Blog, October 20, 2014.
- Carlos Bernal-Pulido & Yaniv Roznai, Article Review/Response, Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments in the Case Study of Colombia, Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, October 17, 2013.
- Book Review: C. Harvey and A. Schwartz (eds.) Rights in Divided Societies, Hart Publishing, 2012, Public Law 153-157 (Sep. 2013).
- Book Review: Alona Hagay-Frey, Sex and Gender Crimes in the New International Law, Martinus Nijhoff, 2011, 2 International Human Rights Law Review 193-199 (2013).
- Book Review: Dawn Oliver, Carlo Fusaro eds., How Constitutions Change: A Comparative Study, Hart Publishing, 2011, 75(5) The Modern Law Review 945-950 (2012).
- Book Review: Zachary Elkins, Tom Ginsburg and James Melton, The Endurance of National Constitutions, Cambridge University Press, 2009, 74(4) The Modern Law Review 647-651 (2011).
- Revolutionary Lawyering, 11 Hamishpat303-344 (2015) (with Karin Peer Fridman).
עריכת דין מהפכנית המשפט כ 303-344 )תשע"ה) (עם קארין פאר פרידמן).
- Human Security: An Illusion or a Real Paradigm Shift in the International Discourse?, 10 Ono Academic College Law Review 213-263 (2014).
ביטחון אנושי: מקסם שווא או שינוי פרדיגמטי ממשי בשיח הבין-לאומי קרית המשפט י 213-263 (התשע"ד).
- When the Legislature says “Fish” – What does He Mean? On The Importance and Complexities of Definitions in Legislation, 2012 5(1-2) Israel Studies in Language & Society 106-127(2014).
כשהמחוקק אומר 'דג' – למה הוא מתכוון? על חשיבותן של ההגדרות בחקיקה עיונים בשפה וחברה 5(1-2) 106-127 (2012).
- “Cracking the Nuke” in the Legal Field: An Israeli Attack on Iran’s Nuclear Facilities from an International Law Perspective, 6 Shaarei Mishpat Law Review 221-292 (2013).
לפצח את הגרעין – גם בשדה המשפט: מתקפה ישראלית על מתקני הגרעין האיראניים בראי המשפט הבין-לאומי שערי משפט ו 221-292 (תשע"ג).
- Law ‘Wants to be Free’: Publication of Legislation in the Internet Era, 52(1) Hapraklit Law Review (Israeli Bar Assoc. Law Review) 235-308 (2013)
חוק "רוצה להיות חופשי": פרסום חקיקה בעידן האינטרנט הפרקליט נב 235-308 (תשע"ג).
- The Basic Laws on Human Rights and the Legislative Process in the Knesset – You’ve got to Practice what you Preach?, 14 IDC Law Review - Law & The Man: Festschrift for Amnon Rubinstein 199-259 (2012).
חוקי-היסוד בדבר זכויות האדם והליך החקיקה בכנסת – נאה דורש ונאה מקיים? משפט ואדם – משפט ועסקים יד 199-259 (תשע"ב).
- Retroactivity – Not Only a Matter of Time! Thoughts on Analyzing Retroactive Legislation Following Genis, 9 IDC Law Review 395-458 (2008)
רטרואקטיביות – יותר מאשר "רק עניין של זמן"! מחשבות על ניתוח חקיקה רטרואקטיבית בעקבות בג"ץ גניס, משפט ועסקים ט 395-458 (התשס"ח).
Conference, Seminar and Workshop Papers
- Necrocracy or Democracy? Assessing Objections to Formal Unamendability
§ International Society of Public Law(Icon×S) Workshop on Unamendable Constitutional Provisions (Koç University Law School, 9 June 2015).
- The Spectrum of Constitutional Amendment Powers
§ International Association of Constitutional Law, Workshop on Comparative Constitutional Amendment (Boston College Law School, 15 May 2015).
- The Nature of Constitutional Amendment Powers
§ Law and Society Association 2015 Annual Meeting (Seattle, 28 May 2015).
- We the Limited People – on the nature and scope of constitution-making powers
§ NYU Law Schools’ Global Fellows Forum (NYU, 10 March 2015).
- The Eternal Territory? On Ukraine’s Unamendable Provision and Territorial Integrity
§ Between the Law, Power and Principle – Self-Determination, Constitution Making and the Crisis in Ukraine (University of California Berkeley, 13 February 2015).
- Access to Justice 2.0: Access to Legislation and Beyond
§ International Conference Legisprudence and the Legislative Process: From Theory to Practice (The Knesset, 11 December 2014).
- Towards a Theory of Unamendability
§ Haifa Faculty of Law Staff Seminar (University of Haifa, 24 December 2014).
§ Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions Seminar (University of Haifa, 10 December 2014).
- Temporal Unamendability: a Study of the Prohibition on Amending Constitutions during States of Emergency
§ 4th American Society of Comparative Law Younger Comparativists Committee Conference (Florida State University, 17 April 2015).
§ De-juridification: Appearance and Disappearance of Law at a Time of Crisis - The Annual Conference of the IVR International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy, UK Branch (LSE, 26 October 2014).
§ Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions - Advisory Board meeting (University of Haifa, 30 June 2014).
- The Insecurity of Human Security
§ Law, Justice, and the Security Gap - LSE ‘Security in Transition’ International Conference (LSE, 20 June 2014).
- The P5+1 and Iranian Joint Plan of Action – A Legal Perspective
§ Joint Plan of Action - One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? (Shaarei Mishpat, 24 April 2014).
- We the Limited People? Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives on Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendments
§ International Society of Public Law (Icon×S) 2014 Inaugural Conference (Florence, 27 June 2014).
§ Edinburgh Constitutional Law Discussion Group - PhD Dialogue: ‘Exploring the Eternal Constitution: Perspectives on Constitutional Entrenchment’ (The University of Edinburgh, 5 February 2014).
- When the Legislature says “Fish” – What does He Mean? On The Importance and Complexities of Definitions in Legislation
§ International Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 26 June 2014).
§ Language and Law in Israel (Academic College Netanya, 9 January 2014).
- Cracking the Nuke in the Legal Field: An Israeli Attack on Iran’s Nuclear Facilities from an International Law Perspective
§ The Joint International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Forum of ALMA and the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC, 30 October 2013).
- The Theory and Practice of Supra-Constitutional Limits on Constitutional Amendments
§ Law in a Changing Transnational World (Tel Aviv University, 30 October 2013).
§ the 3rd Annual Workshop on International and Comparative Law (Washington University, St. Louis, 02 March 2013).
§ LSE 3rd Year PhD Seminar (LSE, 07 November 2012).
- Revolutionary Lawyering? On The Social Responsibility of Lawyers in a Democratic Revolution
§ The Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions Seminar (University of Haifa, 21 January 2015).
§ Current Issues of the Legal Profession Around the Globe, The David Weiner Center for Lawyers Ethics and Professional Responsibility, The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS, 9 September 2014).
§ Queen Mary University of London, Postgraduate Legal Research Conference 2013 (Queen Mary University of London, 6 June 2013).
§ 9th International Graduate Student Conference (Cornell University, 12 April 2013).
- Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments – The Migration and Success of a Constitutional Idea
§ the 2013 Law and Society Annual Conference (Boston, 31 May 2013).
§ the 2012 Loyola Annual Constitutional Law Colloquium(Loyola Chicago, 03 November 2012).
- Implicit Limits on the Constitutional Amendment Power
§ 2nd American Society of Comparative Law Younger Comparativists Committee Conference (Indiana University, 19 April 2013).
§ LSE 2nd Year PHD Workshop (LSE, 15 May 2012).
- Unamendable Provisions as Means for Building Constitutional Identity
§ Ono Academic College, Law School Staff Seminar (Ono Academic College, 7 April 2014).
§ University of Haifa Faculty of Law Staff Seminar (University of Haifa, 7 January 2014).
§ 2013 Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference (The University of Edinburgh, 2 December 2013).
§ 2012 Yale Law School Doctoral Scholarship Conference (Yale, 30 November 2012).
- The United Nations Human Rights Council and Israel: ‘Sour Old Wine in a New Bottle?’
§ Perspectives on Justice & Human Rights (Southern New Hampshire University, 19 September 2012).
§ Beyond the Law: Critical Reflections on International Human Rights Law & Policy 2012 (Griffith College Cork, 8 June 2012).
§ Creighton University Public International Law & Foreign Affairs Conference (Creighton University, 30 March 2012).
- Limitations on the Constitutional Amendment Power
§ The International Academy for Judges (University of Haifa, 28 July 2014).
§ Atlas Agora PhD Workshop (Bar-Ilan University, 26 June 2012).
§ LSE PHD Upgrade Conference (LSE, 13 May 2011).
- Explicit Limits upon the Constitutional Amendment Power
§ American Society For Comparative Law Annual Works-in-Progress Workshop (Princeton University, 11 February 2012).
- Human Shields in Modern Armed Conflicts: The Need for a Proportionate Proportionality
§ Stanford Law & Policy Defense Policy Symposium (Stanford, 22 January 2011).
- Discussant: Mazen Masri, Unamendability in Israel: A Critical Perspective, International Society of Public Law (Icon×S) Workshop on Unamendable Constitutional Provisions (Koç University Law School, 9 June 2015).
- Organizer, two panels on Law and Revolution: Constitutionalism, Constituent Power and Constitutional Change, and The Arab Spring and Beyond, Law and Society Association 2015 Annual Meeting (Seattle, 28 May 2015)
- Moderator, Comparative Constitutionalism Panel, 4th American Society of Comparative Law Younger Comparativists Committee Conference (Florida State University, 17 April 2015).
- Organizer, Public Law in the eye of the Storm, The Annual Conference of the Israeli Public Law Association (Haifa, 1-3 January 2015).
- Response paper – Conventional Constitutionalism
§ The Constitution of Conventions/Conventional Constitutionalism - American Society of Comparative Law Younger Comparativists Committee (Trinity College Dublin, 15 November 2014).