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List of Publications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

  1. Unamendability and The Genetic Code of The Constitution, European Review of Public Law (forthcoming 2015).  
  2. The Eternal Territory? On Ukraine’s Unamendable Provision and Territorial Integrity, 16(3) German Law Journal 542-580 (2015) (with Silvia Suteu).
  3. ‘A Bird is Known by its Feathers’ – On The Importance and Complexities of Definitions in Legislation, 2(2) The Theory and Practice of Legislation (former Legisprudence) 145-169 (2014).
  4. Legisprudence Limitations on Constitutional Amendments? Reflections on the Czech Constitutional Court’s Declaration of Unconstitutional Constitutional Act, 8(1) Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law 29-57 (2014).
  5. Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments – The Migration and Success of a Constitutional Idea, 61(3) American Journal of Comparative Law 657-719 (2013).
  6. The Theory and Practice of ‘Supra-Constitutional’ Limits on Constitutional Amendments, 62(3) International & Comparative Law Quarterly (ICLQ) 557-597 (2013).
  7. An Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendment - The Turkish Perspective: A Comment on the Turkish Constitutional Court’s Headscarf Decision, 10(1) International Journal of Constitutional Law (I-Con) 175-207 (2012) (with Serkan Yolcu).

Law review Articles:

  1. The Insecurity of Human Security, 32(1) Wisconsin International Law Journal 95-141 (2014).
  2. The United Nations Human Rights Council and Israel: ‘Sour Old Wine in a New Bottle’?, 5 Human Rights & Globalization Law Review 25-55 (2013-2014) (with Ido Tzang).
  3. Revolutionary Lawyering? On Lawyers’ Social Responsibility and Roles during a Democratic Revolution, 22(2) Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 353-384 (2013).
  4. Human Shields in Modern Armed Conflicts: The Need for a Proportionate Proportionality, 22(1) Stanford Law & Policy Review 93-127 (2011) (with Amnon Rubinstein).
  5. Let the Caroline Sink! Assessing the Legality of a Possible Israeli Attack on Iranian Nuclear Facilities and Why the Traditional Self-Defense Formula Is Incompatible with the Nuclear Age, 18(2) The California International Law Journal 18-34 (2010).

Chapters in Books:

  1. The Migration of the Indian Basic Structure Doctrine, in Judicial Activism in India - A Festschrift in Honour of Justice V. R. KrishnaIyer 240-262 (Malik Lokendra ed., Universal Law Publishing Co., 2012).

Book reviews and shorter articles

  1. Amending ‘Unamendable’ Provisions, Constitution-Making & Constitutional Change Blog, October 20, 2014.
  2. Carlos Bernal-Pulido & Yaniv Roznai, Article Review/Response, Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments in the Case Study of Colombia, Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, October 17, 2013.
  3. Book Review: C. Harvey and A. Schwartz (eds.) Rights in Divided Societies, Hart Publishing, 2012, Public Law 153-157 (Sep. 2013).
  4. Book Review: Alona Hagay-Frey, Sex and Gender Crimes in the New International Law, Martinus Nijhoff, 2011, 2 International Human Rights Law Review 193-199 (2013).
  5. Book Review: Dawn Oliver, Carlo Fusaro eds., How Constitutions Change: A Comparative Study, Hart Publishing, 2011, 75(5) The Modern Law Review 945-950 (2012).
  6. Book Review: Zachary Elkins, Tom Ginsburg and James Melton, The Endurance of National Constitutions, Cambridge University Press, 2009, 74(4) The Modern Law Review 647-651 (2011).


  1. Revolutionary Lawyering, 11 Hamishpat303-344 (2015) (with Karin Peer Fridman).

עריכת דין מהפכנית המשפט כ 303-344 )תשע"ה) (עם קארין פאר פרידמן).

  1. Human Security: An Illusion or a Real Paradigm Shift in the International Discourse?, 10 Ono Academic College Law Review 213-263 (2014).

ביטחון אנושי: מקסם שווא או שינוי פרדיגמטי ממשי בשיח הבין-לאומי קרית המשפט י 213-263 (התשע"ד).

  1. When the Legislature says “Fish” – What does He Mean? On The Importance and Complexities of Definitions in Legislation, 2012 5(1-2) Israel Studies in Language & Society 106-127(2014).

כשהמחוקק אומר 'דג' – למה הוא מתכוון? על חשיבותן של ההגדרות בחקיקה עיונים בשפה וחברה 5(1-2)  106-127 (2012).

  1. “Cracking the Nuke” in the Legal Field: An Israeli Attack on Iran’s Nuclear Facilities from an International Law Perspective, 6 Shaarei Mishpat Law Review 221-292 (2013).

לפצח את הגרעין – גם בשדה המשפט: מתקפה ישראלית על מתקני הגרעין האיראניים בראי המשפט הבין-לאומי שערי משפט ו 221-292 (תשע"ג).

  1. Law ‘Wants to be Free’: Publication of Legislation in the Internet Era, 52(1) Hapraklit Law Review (Israeli Bar Assoc. Law Review) 235-308 (2013)

חוק "רוצה להיות חופשי": פרסום חקיקה בעידן האינטרנט הפרקליט נב 235-308 (תשע"ג).

  1. The Basic Laws on Human Rights and the Legislative Process in the Knesset – You’ve got to Practice what you Preach?, 14 IDC Law Review - Law & The Man: Festschrift for Amnon Rubinstein 199-259 (2012).

חוקי-היסוד בדבר זכויות האדם והליך החקיקה בכנסת – נאה דורש ונאה מקיים? משפט ואדם  – משפט ועסקים יד 199-259 (תשע"ב).

  1. Retroactivity – Not Only a Matter of Time! Thoughts on Analyzing Retroactive Legislation Following Genis, 9 IDC Law Review 395-458 (2008)

רטרואקטיביות – יותר מאשר "רק עניין של זמן"! מחשבות על ניתוח חקיקה רטרואקטיבית בעקבות בג"ץ גניס, משפט ועסקים ט 395-458 (התשס"ח).

Conference, Seminar and Workshop Papers


  1. Necrocracy or Democracy? Assessing Objections to Formal Unamendability

§  International Society of Public Law(Icon×S) Workshop on Unamendable Constitutional Provisions (Koç University Law School, 9 June 2015).

  1. The Spectrum of Constitutional Amendment Powers

§  International Association of Constitutional Law, Workshop on Comparative Constitutional Amendment (Boston College Law School, 15 May 2015).

  1. The Nature of Constitutional Amendment Powers

§  Law and Society Association 2015 Annual Meeting (Seattle, 28 May 2015).

  1. We the Limited People – on the nature and scope of constitution-making powers

§  NYU Law Schools’ Global Fellows Forum (NYU, 10 March 2015).

  1. The Eternal Territory? On Ukraine’s Unamendable Provision and Territorial Integrity

§  Between the Law, Power and Principle – Self-Determination, Constitution Making and the Crisis in Ukraine (University of California Berkeley, 13 February 2015).

  1. Access to Justice 2.0: Access to Legislation and Beyond

§  International Conference Legisprudence and the Legislative Process: From Theory to Practice (The Knesset, 11 December 2014).

  1. Towards a Theory of Unamendability

§  Haifa Faculty of Law Staff Seminar (University of Haifa, 24 December 2014).

§  Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions Seminar (University of Haifa, 10 December 2014).

  1. Temporal Unamendability: a Study of the Prohibition on Amending Constitutions during States of Emergency

§  4th American Society of Comparative Law Younger Comparativists Committee Conference (Florida State University, 17 April 2015).

§  De-juridification: Appearance and Disappearance of Law at a Time of Crisis - The Annual Conference of the IVR International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy, UK Branch (LSE, 26 October 2014).

§  Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions - Advisory Board meeting (University of Haifa, 30 June 2014).

  1. The Insecurity of Human Security

§  Law, Justice, and the Security Gap - LSE ‘Security in Transition’ International Conference (LSE, 20 June 2014).

  1. The P5+1 and Iranian Joint Plan of Action – A Legal Perspective

§  Joint Plan of Action - One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? (Shaarei Mishpat, 24 April 2014).

  1. We the Limited People? Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives on Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendments

§  International Society of Public Law (Icon×S) 2014 Inaugural Conference (Florence, 27 June 2014).

§  Edinburgh Constitutional Law Discussion Group - PhD Dialogue: ‘Exploring the Eternal Constitution: Perspectives on Constitutional Entrenchment’ (The University of Edinburgh, 5 February 2014).

  1. When the Legislature says “Fish” – What does He Mean? On The Importance and Complexities of Definitions in Legislation

§  International Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 26 June 2014).

§  Language and Law in Israel (Academic College Netanya, 9 January 2014).

  1. Cracking the Nuke in the Legal Field: An Israeli Attack on Iran’s Nuclear Facilities from an International Law Perspective

§  The Joint International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Forum of ALMA and the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC, 30 October 2013).

  1. The Theory and Practice of Supra-Constitutional Limits on Constitutional Amendments

§  Law in a Changing Transnational World (Tel Aviv University, 30 October 2013).

§  the 3rd Annual Workshop on International and Comparative Law (Washington University, St. Louis, 02 March 2013).

§  LSE 3rd Year PhD Seminar (LSE, 07 November 2012).

  1. Revolutionary Lawyering? On The Social Responsibility of Lawyers in a Democratic Revolution

§  The Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions Seminar (University of Haifa, 21 January 2015).

§  Current Issues of the Legal Profession Around the Globe, The David Weiner Center for Lawyers Ethics and Professional Responsibility, The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS, 9 September 2014).

§  Queen Mary University of London, Postgraduate Legal Research Conference 2013 (Queen Mary University of London, 6 June 2013).

§  9th International Graduate Student Conference (Cornell University, 12 April 2013).

  1. Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments – The Migration and Success of a Constitutional Idea

§  the 2013 Law and Society Annual Conference (Boston, 31 May 2013).

§  the 2012 Loyola Annual Constitutional Law Colloquium(Loyola Chicago, 03 November 2012).

  1. Implicit Limits on the Constitutional Amendment Power

§  2nd American Society of Comparative Law Younger Comparativists Committee Conference (Indiana University, 19 April 2013).

§  LSE 2nd Year PHD Workshop (LSE, 15 May 2012).

  1.  Unamendable Provisions as Means for Building Constitutional Identity

§  Ono Academic College, Law School Staff Seminar (Ono Academic College, 7 April 2014).

§  University of Haifa Faculty of Law Staff Seminar (University of Haifa, 7 January 2014).

§  2013 Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference (The University of Edinburgh, 2 December 2013).

§  2012 Yale Law School Doctoral Scholarship Conference (Yale, 30 November 2012).

  1. The United Nations Human Rights Council and Israel: ‘Sour Old Wine in a New Bottle?’

§  Perspectives on Justice & Human Rights (Southern New Hampshire University, 19 September 2012).

§  Beyond the Law: Critical Reflections on International Human Rights Law & Policy 2012 (Griffith College Cork, 8 June 2012).

§  Creighton University Public International Law & Foreign Affairs Conference (Creighton University, 30 March 2012).

  1. Limitations on the Constitutional Amendment Power

§  The International Academy for Judges (University of Haifa, 28 July 2014).

§  Atlas Agora PhD Workshop (Bar-Ilan University, 26 June 2012).

§  LSE PHD Upgrade Conference (LSE, 13 May 2011).

  1. Explicit Limits upon the Constitutional Amendment Power

§  American Society For Comparative Law Annual Works-in-Progress Workshop (Princeton University, 11 February 2012).

  1. Human Shields in Modern Armed Conflicts: The Need for a Proportionate Proportionality

§  Stanford Law & Policy Defense Policy Symposium (Stanford, 22 January 2011).


  1. Discussant: Mazen Masri, Unamendability in Israel: A Critical Perspective, International Society of Public Law (Icon×S) Workshop on Unamendable Constitutional Provisions (Koç University Law School, 9 June 2015).
  2. Organizer, two panels on Law and Revolution: Constitutionalism, Constituent Power and Constitutional Change, and The Arab Spring and Beyond, Law and Society Association 2015 Annual Meeting (Seattle, 28 May 2015)
  3. Moderator, Comparative Constitutionalism Panel, 4th American Society of Comparative Law Younger Comparativists Committee Conference (Florida State University, 17 April 2015).
  4. Organizer, Public Law in the eye of the Storm, The Annual Conference of the Israeli Public Law Association (Haifa, 1-3 January 2015).
  5. Response paper – Conventional Constitutionalism

§  The Constitution of Conventions/Conventional Constitutionalism - American Society of Comparative Law Younger Comparativists Committee (Trinity College Dublin, 15 November 2014).