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Relations Between NGOs/Civil Society and States in Times of COVID-19

An Interdisciplinary Workshop

Organizers: Omri Grinberg, Katharina Konarek and Deborah Shmueli,

June 23, 28 and 30, 2021

Via Zoom, 

Link for participants' details

 Day I - June 23 (Wednesday)

16:00 Israel time

Opening comments:

Stefan Ihrig, Director of the Haifa Center for German and European Studies (HCGES), Department of General History at the University of Haifa
Deborah Shmueli, Head of the National Knowledge and Research Center for Emergency Readiness (NRCER) and PI at the Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions (RLEC)

16:10 - 17:40   Round table: COVID-19 and NGOs/Civil Society
Chair: Michal Almog-Bar, Head of the Institute for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel, at the School of Social Work and Social Welfare, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Steffen Hagemann, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Tel Aviv
Sara Van Gunst, Kav La'Oved -Resource Development Manager
Daniella Seltzer, Jerusalem Food Rescuers
Ahmad Sheikh Muhammad, The Galilee Society

18:00 - 19:30  

Panel A: Dynamics of Scale in State and NGO/Civil Society Responses to COVID-19: A 4-Continent Comparative Perspective

Chair: Katharina Konarek, HCGES


Natalia Bueno, George Avelino, Ciro Biderman, Daniel da Mata, and Leonardo R. L. Bueno, Getulio Vargas Foundation: Can we work together during times of need? Evidence from an experiment in slum settlements in Brazil

Hillel Schmid: No Love Story: Relations Between the Government and Civil Society Organizations During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Israel

Piergiuseppe Parisi and Marynka Marquez: Co-Produced Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the City of York

Alice Robinson, Naomi Pendle and Peter Hakim Justin: South Sudanese NGO and local government responses to COVID-19

  Discussant: Alissa Bellotti, HCGES
Link to Opening and round table recording
Link to Panel A recording

DAY II- June 28th (Monday)

18:00-19:30   Panel B: State Regulation (Legislation and Bureaucracy) During COVID-19: Macro Perspectives
  Chair: Deborah Shmueli, National Knowledge and Research Center for Emergency Readiness and the Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions


Katharina Konarek: COVID 19 and European Solidarity - A make it or break moment for the European Union

Anthony DeMatte:  Civil Society Laws in East Africa: A Comparative and Institutional Analysis

Reut Marciano: Consulting firms’ role in policy formulation - conceptualization and evidence from Canada and the COVID19 pandemic

Suparna Chaudhry and Andrew Heiss: Derogations and Democratic Backsliding: Exploring the pandemic’s effects on civic spaces

  Discussant: Amanda Reinke, Kennesaw State University
Link to Panel B recording

DAY III - June 30 (Wednesday)

18:00-19:30 Panel C: From Publics to Civil Society: Changes in Collective Cohesion During COVID-19
Chair: Omri Grinberg, Post-doc fellow, The Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions


Hannah Mayne: Orthodox synagogue practice and public space during the COVID-19 pandemic

Ela Drazkiewicz: Political critique, political trust, conspiracy theories and civil organisations: understanding state-non-state relations at the time of Covid-19 pandemic

Guy Shalev: Doctors on the Frontlines: When COVID-19 became Israel’s New Enemy, Palestinian Physicians were Called for Duty

Discussant: Amalia Saar, Associate professor at the anthropology department, the University of Haifa

Conference closing comments: Eli Salzberger, Head of the Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions

Link to Panel C and closing remarks recording



Link for Abstracts

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